Start With Our Why: Student Success
At Virtanza, we are STUDENT-DRIVEN.
Students rank our Professional Sales Courses as among the best of their higher education experience, citing instructors for their professionalism and engaging classrooms, and curriculum for its real-world relevance and immediate transferability. We stay in close touch with our program graduates, celebrating their sales wins and empowering them with our Sales Management courses, guest speaking, and networking opportunities, and recruiting and job opportunities in our Employer Portal, the subscription site hiring sales managers from companies across the country have bookmarked for launch in Summer 2021.
“Unfortunately, I missed out on a great internship [due to the pandemic]. Instead, I was able to come out of the summer with a professional sales certification that I’m very proud of from Virtanza and further my future career endeavors! ”
LinkedIn | Sales Ready Certified, University of the Pacific | Bertha's goals going into the Professional Sales Readiness course were to learn how to get out there professionally, build on networking skills, and ultimately become a role model for others. She used her sales competency of relationship-building to propel her success in the course...and afterward! Bertha is now an Insurance Agent at New York Life and a role model for many! The advice Bertha would like to give those taking the course? Treat the role-plays as a real-world situation and you will be prepared to immediately apply your knowledge to real-life situations.
LinkedIn | Sales Ready Certified, Central Michigan University | Todd's transition from his career as a police officer to sales is as inspiring as it gets. Spending 8 weeks with other motivated sales professionals in a blended classroom with Central Michigan University allowed him to develop his own distinct sales mindset. He immediately adapted his in-class lessons to real-life situations, even landing a second interview with a potential sales employer!
LinkedIn | Sales Ready Certified, The Ohio State University | After several post-secondary twists and turns, Dana felt as though her career path needed to change as well. Her family has a history of success in sales, so she knew it was a path she wanted to explore. “My brother introduced me to sales in a career sense and wanted me to take the course to ensure I was genuinely interested,” Dana explained. She was! Dana learned more technical skills to use within the sales industry that has propelled her as a Regional Sales Associate role at SC Johnson Professional. Setting first appointments, conducting needs assessments, calculating ROI, negotiating, networking - today Dana continues to strengthen these skills and more she learned in her Professional Sales class.
LinkedIn | Sales Ready Certified, Clark State College | Libby was on a quest to improve her sales abilities. When she was introduced to Virtanza’s Professional Sales course, she did not know how much her professional background would correlate with the content of the course and the new competencies she would uncover. “The course taught me all the pieces I need to know to be successful with sales, “ she shares. “In my consulting business, I have to sell projects there, too, so sales is literally the key to my success, and sales is pivotal to my future.”
LinkedIn | Sales Ready Certified, The Ohio State University | Alice discovered her natural sales competencies in the Professional Sales Readiness course. The experiential course format allowed her to develop her skills in account management and relationship product sales and gain confidence in her abilities in Needs Assessment and Presenting. Establishing structure to her sales background has made a world of difference. She has utilized her sales training in her role as Director of a start-up program where she connects with mentors and CEOs. Awesome, new opportunities have emerged for Alice since building her sales foundation in class.
LinkedIn | Sales Ready Certified | Jade is a graduate of Clayton State University in the Metro Atlanta Area. “Coming from a background with NO sales experience, I’m truly amazed at the content I was able to learn in just three short weeks,” she says. “The program not only teaches you sales techniques, it allows you to actually do the research and put together a proposal as a sales professional would.”
LinkedIn | Sales Ready Certified, Clark State College | ronda's go-getter attitude and commitment to networking left no hesitation when she was given the opportunity to take the Professional Sales Readiness course at Clark State College. She knew it would be a chance to hone in on her skills gained on the job, while developing new skills in a unique, experiential environment. She has applied lessons and best practices learned in class to her current role and has a new appreciation of the role sales plays in her administration and management duties.
LinkedIn | Sales Ready Certified, The Ohio State University | Sean took the Professional Sales Readiness course during his first year in college. He was introduced to the business world and all the skills needed to flourish in sales. His largest takeaway was learning the essential skills of preparing and communicating effectively, ensuring he is influential and convincing in his interactions no matter the setting, but especially in business development! Sean has applied the knowledge gained in class to other roles he has taken on while an undergrad.
LinkedIn | Already a natural at building relationships, Marvin credits his Virtanza coursework with polishing his presentation skills and personal branding. He already had a background in insurance sales and was recruited by New York Life through its relationship with Virtanza. He’s studying to become a financial services agent for the company. “This opportunity is a big game-changer for me,” East says.
LinkedIn | Sales Certified, UC Irvine DCE | Sam was a student in UC Irvine’s Professional Sales Ready class, where she not only learned, but she applied lessons in real-time…FOR THE JOB! “Dear Bernice,” Sam wrote to her Instructor. “Thank you for prepping with me yesterday. I wanted to let you know that they called me with a job offer today. The interview role-play was so easy! Although they'd warned me that I'd likely not get a follow-up appointment at the end of {the interview}, I actually accomplished "setting a date." I felt more confident about the role play part of the interview than the preceding session that was a traditional Q&A format. I know that I probably would have gotten through it on my own, but I credit you and the course 100% with the confidence I had going into the final session.”
“Even if you don’t work in a sales-centric role, the concepts regarding negotiation and selling are applicable to just about any other job imaginable.”
Innovative Content and Engaging Activities in Collaborative Classrooms.
Top-Ranked Instructors Teaching Cutting-Edge Sales Applications.
Highly Relevant and Immediately Transferable.

Thank you so much for instructing our sales class this semester. I can't begin to describe how glad I am that I signed up. I got more out of the class than I ever thought possible.
Also, I apologize that I wasn't able to meet up on campus while you were here. It was a crazy week full of exams and nationals’ prep for my top project manager nomination, and I could not fit it into my schedule. I hope to see you at the sales competition in the fall, I'm part of the logistics team making it happen.
I look forward to staying in touch over the coming years. Virtanza was transformational for me, and I hope to continue a working relationship for years to come.
Joshua B, Professional Sales Ready certificate holder